10th Grade

Pop Art

    In this art project, we were told to print out a photo of someone we liked. I choosed Brad Pitt. Then, what we had to do was, in our canvas as well as in the photo, we had to draw squares. the ones in the canvas bigger than the ones in the photo. Then we had to draw each one of the squares. When we were finished drawing, we had to paint it in a specific way to make it a pop art paint. Depending on the color you choosed you had to put a different background color, but since i did in black and white, i didnt. We used acrilics and brushes, and i also used by fingers to paint it.

    There were two things i found really difficult to do in this project. one was when i stared to paint it. It started really nice but then, i had to finish it and it was harder because i was afraid it would not look good or that i failed. Also i didnt liked how it was looking. But then as i continued painting it got better. Other difficult part was making the shadows. This was because we were supposed to make in by parts from lighter to darker but i didnt wanted to do it that way so it was harder. it was easy drawing the photo square by square because i had the guide lines and all. I also found it eassier painting it at first, and also painting with smaller brushs and with my fingers.

Finish the Picture

    Here, what we had to do, was cutting out a picture from a magazine. We had to cut it and past it in a paper. Then you had to complete it by using markers, color pencils, pencils or whatever you wanted. The point of it was finishing the picture and try to make it look more original and your stlye.

    From a magazine, i found a picture of Mick Jagger the vocalist and guitarrist from the famous band, "Rolling Stones". He was singing, so i decided to cut him in ths mouth so that i could make things come out of it. The materials i used were pencil and colors. It was easy coloring the drawings and also drawing them since most of them are from albums of the Rolling Stones so i could just look for it in the internet. What i found difficult was making other parts such as the nose of the man. I didnt even liked how it ended i would had liked to improved it but there was not enough time.

Drawing with Words

    This work consisted on choosing a picture of someone or something, in my case Christian Bale. you had to draw the edjes of the pictures so that then you when filling it with sentences. i had to use pencil at first to trace the drawing and then pen. on the back, i used other papers so that it would have a backgroud.

    It was easy drawing Christian bale, and also following the lines when writing. What i found it difficult was making shadows since it was with pen and it tracing the words again to make it darker wasent something eassy. it was aslo making the lighter parts and knowing which parts you had to make it darker or brighter. It was also sometimes boaring writng and writing because you didnt knew what else to put in it. if i could do it again, i could prefer to do it with ink insted with pen because it would had been easier making the sadows.


9th grade